Refugee settlement

Find out how New Zealand Red Cross can help you and your family settle into your new life in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Settling into a new life
Moving to your new community in Aotearoa will be life-changing. Learning about a new society, language, culture and systems can be challenging but New Zealand Red Cross and others will be there to help you.
We’ll support you as you take steps towards living independently and help you build a sense of belonging in New Zealand.
New Zealand Red Cross is one of six organisations providing community settlement support to former refugees who have arrived under the annual government quota system.
We provide support in these locations:
- Palmerston North
- Levin
- Masterton
- Wellington
- Nelson
- Blenheim
- Dunedin, and
- Invercargill.
If you are being settled in Auckland, Hamilton, Christchurch, Timaru, or Ashburton, you’ll be supported by a different provider.
- Auckland – Kāhui Tū Kaha
- Hamilton – HMS Trust
- Christchurch – Purapura Whetu Trust
- Timaru – Presbyterian Support South Canterbury
- Ashburton – Safer Mid Canterbury Charitable Trust
When you first arrive
When you arrive, you’ll begin to learn about life in New Zealand. You’ll spend your first five weeks in New Zealand at Te Āhuru Mōwai o Aotearoa, which is Immigration New Zealand’s Refugee Resettlement Centre in Auckland. While at the centre, Immigration New Zealand (INZ) will look for housing for you, and once this is found, you’ll be able to move to your new home.
As a refugee coming to Aotearoa New Zealand, you’ll be given permanent residence on arrival and you can receive a range of support.
How we will help you
When you arrive in your new town, New Zealand Red Cross will meet you at the airport and take you to your new home. Your house will already be set up so you can move in straight away.
For up to two years, our team of professional social workers, cross-cultural workers, and case workers will help you settle in your new community. You will have a dedicated worker and a small team of trained volunteers to support you and your family.
For the first six months our volunteers will help you with:
- Your first time grocery shopping.
- Showing you around your new neighbourhood and available services, such as library and sports and health centres.
- Meeting your local Work and Income | Te Hiranga Tangata staff.
- Setting up online banking arrangements and internet connections.
- Taking you to your first English language classes and to visit the local school.
- Taking you to your local doctor and dentist, and supporting you to go to hospital appointments where necessary.
Your New Zealand Red Cross worker will support you and can answer your questions and any concerns. This might be about anything from parenting in a new environment to joining a sports team or connecting you with other services.
Convention refugee support
Our service advocates on behalf of Convention refugees. Our Convention Navigator offers advice and can connect you to appropriate agencies and organisations to help support your life in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Contact the Convention Navigator
If you need help or have questions, please email
Specialist refugee mental health support
Our qualified staff provide people with refugee backgrounds with specialist mental health support and can provide referrals to other professionals.
Specialist refugee mental health services
Refugee support volunteers
With the help of 130 trained staff and 1,000 refugee support volunteers, we support people for at least 12 months after their arrival. You can find out more information and apply to volunteer with our programme.
Apply to volunteer with our programme
Useful websites and services
New Zealand Red Cross will connect you to services, agencies and organisations that can help you. Here are some of the most useful services.
Interpreting support
- Interpreting New Zealand
- Work and Income New Zealand Multilingual Lines
- Get Multilingual Support In New Zealand Immigration NZ
English language classes
Organisations supporting refugees in New Zealand
- ChangeMakers Refugee Forum
- Belong Aotearoa formally Auckland Regional Migrant Services Charitable Trust (ARMS)
- Asylum Seekers Support Trust
- Auckland Refugee Community Coalition
- Auckland Refugee Family Trust
- Refugees as Survivors
- Refugee Family Reunification Trust
- Migrant Action Trust
- Refugee Council of New Zealand
Other helpful websites and organisations
- Ethnic communities directory
- New Zealand Now – guide to living and working in New Zealand
- Information for refugees settling in New Zealand
- Citizens Advice Bureau
- Police – refugee and ethnic liaison officer
- Community Law Centres – free legal help throughout New Zealand
- How to claim refugee status: The process – Community Law