One of the benefits of joining New Zealand Red Cross is access to training and development opportunities.


When you join New Zealand Red Cross you will receive an induction that introduces you to our organisation, our mission and fundamental principles. 

You'll learn about how our organisation is connected to international Red Cross societies, what programmes and activities we offer, and how we are governed.

Find out about upcoming induction courses.

Learning online

Some volunteers need access to our e-learning platform called 'Aspire'. If you need access for your role the learning and development team will create a login for you when you start. For help with Aspire, email

It is free to register for the global online learning community run by the International Federation of Red Cross. There are over 150 free courses in many languages. The topics include migration, preparing for disasters, leadership and many others.    

Register for the IFRC Online Learning Platform

First aid training by Red Cross worker

Training for volunteer roles

In some volunteer roles you will complete a training course before you start volunteering.  

These roles include: 

  • refugee support volunteers  
  • DWST volunteers 
  • Meals on Wheels drivers, and 
  • retail shop volunteers. 

You will receive more information about training when you register to volunteer. 

Red cross volunteer delivering care package to family

Upcoming induction courses

DNA of the Red Cross 

DNA of the Red Cross is a three-hour workshop for Red Cross people run by Dr Rebecca Dudley our principal advisor of International Humanitarian Law. It provides an engaging, participatory introduction to the key elements of Red Cross identity:

  • International Humanitarian Law
  • our fundamental principles and
  • the values underlying these.

This induction session is highly recommended for new Red Cross people and is a useful refresher for those who have been around for a while.  

Session time  

Online session  – 6 September, 10am to 1pm. 

To register, please email your name and role to: before 2 September.   

Joining instructions and materials will be sent out a few days ahead of the session.  

Dr Rebecca Dudley

Dr Rebecca Dudley

About Dr Rebecca Dudley

Dr Rebecca Dudley has been our IHL Advisor since August 2016, working on legal frameworks that can protect vulnerable people in humanitarian emergencies. She has 30 years' experience as a trainer, as well as in advocacy and policy roles, in areas including:  

  • sexual and gender-based violence 
  • community development 
  • human rights 
  • transitional justice in post-conflict societies. 

Related content

Learn about our history and our work over the last century.

Our history and what we stand for

Find out more from our International Humanitarian Law (IHL) advisor, Rebecca Dudley as she explains the Red Cross’ seven fundamental principles: Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity, and Universality.

Fundamental Principles in Action