Media Release
Be Good and Ready in an emergency
26 October 2021

Being prepared for an emergency or disaster reduces our vulnerability to their impact and helps save lives.
This week is Good and Ready Week and New Zealand Red Cross is encouraging everyone to get involved and be prepared for when the next emergency happens.
We know our communities across Aotearoa New Zealand have been and continue to be impacted by emergencies. Whenever and wherever needed, New Zealand Red Cross is there. Now we are offering a way for businesses to also play a role to help support our work.
“We know from experience that a more connected and prepared community is one that recovers faster after an emergency”, says Sarah Stuart-Black, Secretary General.
“That’s why today we are launching the Disaster Response Alliance, a new partnership opportunity for businesses interested in supporting New Zealand Red Cross’ Disaster Welfare and Support Teams. Our Disaster Response Alliance partners stand alongside New Zealand Red Cross by providing fundraising and other support to ensure our highly-trained Disaster Welfare and Support Teams (DWST) are ready and able to respond - whenever and wherever we are needed across Aotearoa New Zealand.
Businesses partnering in New Zealand’s first Disaster Response Alliance, will also be helping strengthen the resilience of individuals, families, whānau, workplaces and whole communities.”
“Today I want to recognise our founding members of the Disaster Response Alliance – NZ Post, Countdown and The Warehouse and thank them for pledging their support to this important new initiative,” says Ms Stuart-Black.
Businesses interested in making a positive difference in the lives of New Zealanders during an emergency or disaster can find out more about joining the Disaster Response Alliance.
For everyone, Good and Ready Week is an opportunity to ask that all important question “is my household good and ready in the case of earthquake, fire, flood or other disaster?”
“There’s real value in planning ahead so that your friends and family are better prepared. It’s often too late once a disaster hits, so we are encouraging everyone to download the free New Zealand Red Cross Hazard App,”, adds Ms Stuart-Black.
The New Zealand Red Cross Hazard App provides life-saving information before, during and after emergencies, sending official warnings and alerts, and providing step-by-step guides to help households get ready for emergencies. It can be downloaded from the App store for iOS devices and Google Play store for Android devices
To support uptake of the Hazard app by Kiwis, QBE, the primary supporter of the New Zealand Red Cross Hazard app, is also pledging an additional $5,000 to New Zealand Red Cross if 500 people download the app before the end of October, so more people can take steps for themselves and their families and whānau to be better prepared.
Disaster Response Alliance information
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