Planning your fundraising event
This page has everything you need to know if you are planning a fundraising event on behalf of New Zealand Red Cross.
Important things to know
Read this information before you start planning your fundraising activity or event.
Street collecting
If you want to collect in the street for us, you must contact us first:
- email or
- call 0800 red cross (733 276).
We can help you understand your responsibilities.
During our Annual Appeal in March each year we ask permission from local councils to collect on certain days. Collections outside these days may require permission from council or the owner of the property you wish to collect at (say outside a supermarket or store). Getting formal permission, outside of appeal, will be your key responsibility.
To check legal requirements for raffles or games of chance, see the Department of Internal Affairs
Tax receipts for donations over $5
Any donation over $5 may be eligible for a tax rebate. If anyone donating $5 or more has asked for a receipt, email their details to us as follows, and we will send them a receipt:
Full name
Contact phone number (in case we need to clarify anything related to the donation or receipt)
Before your fundraising activity or event
Decide how and when you want to raise funds. You can support one of our existing fundraising campaigns or create your own.
For ideas on what you can do, see the Key Red Cross fundraising events calendar
Plan your activity or event
- Think about a time and date that won’t clash with anything else happening in your area.
- If you are a member of a Red Cross Branch or Group talk to your president.
- Write a plan or checklist for what you’ll need to do.
- Get your friends and whānau and other Red Cross members involved.
Set up a Raisely online fundraising page
You don’t have to fundraise online but it helps us collect the money you raise efficiently, and it helps you promote your fundraising activity or event with your friends and whanau. It also helps you efficiently collect and process donations.
Personalise your New Zealand Red Cross fundraising page to tell everyone why you are supporting us.
Promote your fundraising activity or event
- Understand how you can use our name and brand. You can use our name in full (New Zealand Red Cross) to promote your event. For example: “Proudly supporting New Zealand Red Cross” or “Bake sale – all proceeds to New Zealand Red Cross to help those most in need.” You must use it in full and not just say “Red Cross.” You can’t use our emblem or our logo unless you are using materials produced by us to support your fundraising. We know many of you want to use our logo but there are important reasons why you can’t – see Red Cross emblems
- Share a link to your personalised fundraising page with friends and family. You can use #GiveForGood on social media and tag New Zealand Red Cross. Links to all our social media accounts are in the footer below.
- Tell everyone about the amazing effort you are putting in to assist Red Cross to help those most in need.
- Use emails, social media, posters, and flyers to promote your fundraising activity or event.
- Contact your local paper or radio and tell them about your efforts – you may get interviewed and it’s great (free) publicity. Let the communications team know if you plan to do this at
- Create an event on Event Finda if that might be helpful.
- Check with your local community paper, council, or I-site to see if they have a free local what’s on calendar.
During your event
- Keep calm and have fun.
- Take lots of photos.
- Share on social media: use #GiveForGood and tag New Zealand Red Cross. Links to all our social media accounts are in the footer below.
After your event
- Thank all your donors, supporters, volunteers and other participants.
- Send us your photos and let us know how your event went.
- Pay the money you have raised to New Zealand Red Cross. If you are using Raisely the funds will transfer automatically to us. If you didn’t use Raisely there are other ways you can pay us – see how to donate.
- Contact us at when you’ve transferred your funds. We want to thank you and keep track of your fundraising donations.